Questions answered

Q. What’s with the name Triple Play Planning?

A. I’m a baseball guy. Triple play’s are super rare. So are firms that will guide you through the unique needs of today’s busy families. Financial planning, tax planning and college planning, all in one package.

Q. What types of clients do you work well with?

A. I find the best clients tend to be people just like me. They are self-made professionals, who tend to be family oriented. They have reached a point where they can afford to delegate out work that they know they need a little help with. They are typically mid-career and pre-retiree.

Q. What are my returns like?

A. Let’s be clear here, I am a financial planner, I am not running a hedge fund. I help people make prudent financial decisions regarding the unique set of circumstances that is their life. I will work with each individual client to determine an appropriate investment portfolio that will work for you and your unique goals.

Q. What should you look for in a financial professional?

A. Fit is a big one for me. If you don’t jive with your advisor, or if you leave meetings more confused then when you went in, it will make it very hard to come up with a solid plan. Finding someone with the same sort of life experiences as you is also important. Finally, credentials matter. Look for someone who has taken the time and effort to get the CFP® designation. This ensures a certain level of education and experience attained, and it guarantees that they are a sworn fiduciary.

Q. What is a fiduciary?

A. You may hear this term thrown around, but not quite know what it means. A fiduciary is someone who by law, must only offer you advice that is in your best interest. TPP is a sworn fiduciary who sits on your side of the table, recommending strategies that are in your best interest only. 

Q. Is every financial adviser a sworn fiduciary?

Believe it or not, the answer is no. If your adviser is getting paid via commission, they are only required to make suitable recommendations.  

Q. What does a typical meeting look like?

A. I prefer to meet virtually, using either Zoom or Google Meet to facilitate meetings. You get to stay in the comfort your own home, with access to the documents or any adult beverages you may need. 

Q. How many clients can you serve?

A. Being a solo advisor, there is a limit to how many households I can serve effectively. My goal is to find 50 great households to work with this year. The counter on the about page shows you how much space I have left.

Q. Who designed my cool logo and website?

A. Dave and Lynda at Green Soup Design. They are Buffalo locals and they do great work! You can find them here.


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